Concerns that impact water quality include these major topics:
1. Blue-green Algae
2. Flowering Rush & Invasive weeds
3. Fertilizer Concerns
4. Invasive Species
Blue-Green Algae
Long term solutions for reducing Blue-green algae involve decreasing the amount of nutrients going into Lake Isle and Lac Ste Anne. Specifically, the nutrients Phosphorus and Nitrogen increase the amount of blue-green algae in our lakes.
To achieve our goal of reducing the amount of Blue-green algae in Lac Ste Anne and Lake Isle, we will need to target all sources of nutrients entering our lakes. This means that private land owners, agriculture and government all need to work together.
There are many things that property owners around a lake can do to improve the quality of water. Perhaps your family can start with one small project or helpful change; and then commit to learning and doing even more. Your example, experience and enthusiasm will help create a ripple affect all around the lake! Become a member of LILSA and learn more about the solutions at the LILSA Events.
Invasive Weeds & Flowering rush
Invasive or Noxious weeds are none-native plants that adapt quickly and aggressively to the Alberta landscape and cause lasting damage. Unfortunately, there are many invasive weeds in Alberta and many are located around Lac Ste. Anne and Lake Isle. There are two classifications of invasive weeds in the Alberta Weed Act: Noxious and Prohibited Noxious.
Noxious Plants fit the following criteria:
The plant can easily spread and have a substantial negative environmental, economic or social impact if allowed to do so.
The plant can be controlled at a reasonable cost.
Regulation is in the common interest of Albertans
Prohibited Noxious plants fit the following criteria:
The plant, if allowed to spread, will have a substantial negative environmental, economic or social impact.
If not present, the plant can be excluded at a reasonable cost.
If present, eradication is highly desirable and economically feasible.
Most people don't know that fertilizers are a major contributor of Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Lake Isle and Lac Ste Anne. These nutrients promote the growth of Blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria). In fact, 1 lb of phosphorous can produce at least 500 lb of living Blue-green algae.
LILSA's goal is to eliminate all cosmetic fertilizer use around our lakes. You can help by not using fertilizer on your lawn. We will also be discussing this goal with various levels of government including the Summer Villages and Parkland and Lac Ste Anne Counties and asking them to ban the use of cosmetic fertilizer around our lakes.
Invasive Species
All Alberta lakes including Lac Ste Anne and Lake Isle are threatened by invasive species. These are non-native species that grow along the shorelines and aquatic species that live in the water.
They significantly can negatively impact lakes by:
Reducing the diversity or abundance of native species or the ecological stability of the lake environment
Impeding use of the lake for recreational, agricultural, or commercial activities dependent on water
The most concerning invasive species at present are: Quagga and Zebra mussels. They move from lake to lake by attaching themselves to boats and other recreational equipment. Currently, neither are present in Lake Isle or Lac Ste Anne. If you think you have spotted a Quagga or Zebra mussel, please report it to Alberta’s invasive species hotline at 1 855 336 BOAT (2628)
Spotting The Concerns
View photos of these concerning species to familiarize yourself with what to look for.